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< Previous January 2024 4 REPRESENTATIVE MATT SHAHEEN PROPOSES THE DEATH PENALTY FOR CHILD SEX TRAFFICKERS AND CALLS ON THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO DEPLOY US SPECIAL FORCES TO NORTHERN MEXICO TO ENGAGE DEADLY CARTELS GUEST EDITORIAL by Representative Matt Shaheen Candidate for Re-election Texas House District 66 I have visited our southern bor- der multiple times amid the massive surge of illegal immi- grants pouring into Texas. I witnessed firsthand the Biden Administration's failed open border policies that have resulted in spikes of illegal contraband pouring into Texas, including an alarming increase of fentanyl. Because of the border, Texas ranks second in the nation in sex trafficking with the average age of a trafficking victim being a twelve- to fourteen-year-old little girl. Unknown dangerous criminals have been streaming into the United States and with recent terrorist attacks on Israel, this fact should make our nation even more alarmed. To address this colossal failure by our federal government, I am proposing legislation that will make it a death penalty offense for sex trafficking a child in Texas. I am also calling upon the federal government to deploy United States Special Forces to Mexico to fight the cartels directly. We Need to Prioritize Safety The State of Texas has an unwavering commitment to secure our border in the face of Washington’s failures. The Texas Legislature has appropriated over $13 billion to enable the deployment of thousands of Texas Troopers and National Guardsmen to our southern border to fight illegal immigration. We are even building portions of the wall and Texas has successfully transported over 100,000 migrants to Democratic-led cities that claim to be sanctuary cities. We continue to prioritize the safety and security of all Texans. We Need to do More to Stop Cartels Even with these extraordinary efforts by our state, more needs to be done. Cartels control the Northern portion of Mexico and are a clear and present danger to America. They have mutated from organizations focused on the sale of drugs to more lucrative lines of work such as the trafficking of people. Matt Shaheen5 January 2024 Last session, I passed legislation to make sex traffickers of children ineligible for parole to help address this problem. I am now working on legislation to make sex trafficking of a child a capital offense in the Lone Star State. I believe sex traffickers deserve the penalty of death. We Need to Take the Fight South of the Border Additionally, the Federal Government must again prior- itize the safety and security of all Americans by deploying United States Special Forces into Mexico to take on the cartels directly. The Mexican cartels have operational control of the border. America has taken this type of action before. Years ago, drug cartels ruled much of Colombia, paying off local officials and law enforcement and relying on campaigns of terror and intimidation. In response, America engaged our special operations forces into Columbia and partici- pated in the killing of Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar. Osama bin Laden was killed by US Special Forces in Pakistan in an operation involving two dozen Navy SEALs in two Black Hawk helicopters, without knowledge or the approval of Pakistan. We Need Aggressive Measures As a state, Texas is doing all it can to help secure the border and fight illegal immigration. I believe my efforts to fight sex trafficking has and will continue to have an impact. However, we simply must have Washington, DC take their responsibility of border control and the prevention of illegal immigration seriously once again. Biden’s neglect of the border has made the situation dire. Therefore, aggressive measures such as engaging US Special Forces are now necessary. When Biden served in the Senate, he criticized then President George HW Bush for not being tough enough on drugs and called for greater law enforcement action. Now, I am requesting President Biden take similar action against the Mexican cartels at the southern border. Editor’s Note: For more information about Matt Shaheen’s campaign, visit State Representative Matt Shaheen serves the citizens of District 66 in the Texas House of Representatives and has been consistently ranked one of the most Conservative members of the Texas Legislature. January 2024 6 Election Integrity is at Risk in Texas GUEST EDITORIAL by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Texans, we face a pivotal moment in our state's history. The Court of Criminal Appeals recently made a decision that strikes at the core of our democracy. They invalidated a law that granted me, as your Attorney General, the power to prosecute election fraud. This means that I, Ken Paxton, am now unable to take action against those who threaten the integrity of our elec- tions. My Hands Are Tied Let me be clear about the consequences of this ruling. In major democratic strongholds like Dallas, Harris, Travis, and Bexar counties, radical far-left District Attorneys refuse to prosecute election fraud cases. With the Court of Criminal Appeals effectively tying my hands, election fraud in these counties gets a green light. As we approach the 2024 Presidential Elections, Texas is exposed and vulnerable, with no legal authority safeguarding the integrity of our elections in these crucial democratic areas. Reject Activist Judges This decision by the Court of Criminal Appeals is not just a legal matter; it's an affront to the principles that define our great state. Judges Sharon Keller, Michelle Slaughter, and Barbara Hervey have created a Constitutional crisis. As your Attorney General, I join Governor Abbott, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, and our Republican State Senators in rejecting their disastrous decisions. It's now up to you, the voters, to rectify this situation. Election integrity is the cornerstone of our democratic system, ensuring that every Texan's voice matters. The Court's decision to strip away my authority to prosecute election fraud demands a unified response from Conservatives across the state. We are the guardians of limited government and individual liberties, and we cannot stand idly by when our democratic values are under threat. Vote Schenk, Parker, and Finley Texans must voice their discontent by voting against Judges Keller, Slaughter, and Hervey. Their failure to uphold election integrity and adhere to the law is reason enough for a change. I am proud to endorse three excep- tional candidates for the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals—David Schenck, Gina Parker, and Lee Finley. These individuals embody the qualifications, commit- ment to justice, and unwavering dedication to Conservative principles that we need on the bench. As Conservatives, our duty is clear. We must defend our elections vigorously and ensure that the democratic values we hold dear endure for generations. I implore every Conservative voter in the state to cast their vote for David Schenck, Gina Parker, and Lee Finley for the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. Together, we can protect the sanctity of our electoral processes and secure a brighter future for Texas. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton7 January 2024 January 2024 8 Keeping Texas Prosperous And Safe By Terry Lowry Editor of the LINK Letter Texas is leading the fight against the Biden Administration, his radical administration, and their scheme to destroy America. Christi Craddick is running for re-election to keep Texas prosperous and safe. Christi Craddick has served as the Chairman of the Texas Railroad Commission for nearly twelve years. The TRC has regulatory oversight over the oil and gas industry, which is essential to the state’s economic prosperity and to our national security. The Democrats’ #1 Target The Left knows that if they can destroy American oil and gas, they will weaken our ability to provide affordable energy and force us to be more depend- ent on foreign energy sources. Some of these foreign powers hate America and Americans. Christi Craddick focuses on how Texas energy is integral to every single aspect of our economy. In just one year, oil and gas pumped more than $10.85 billion in taxes into our state budget, helping pay for unprecedented border security efforts. We must close down the invasion happening at our borders. Our very sovereignty as an independ- ent nation is at stake. Biden Has Abandoned Us Christi Craddick stands in direct opposition to efforts by Biden’s EPA and other federal agencies who are pushing a “Green New Deal” agenda to hurt energy production and personal freedom, making prices higher and life harder for everyone. Joe Biden and every single Texas Democrat who stands with him are promoting policies that are limiting energy production in America, which limits our potential as a state. In addition, Joe Biden’s energy policy is horrible for our environment. Much Is At Stake One thing is clear: The fate of our country is tied to vision, leadership, and actions of strong, bold, and Conservative leaders. Christi Craddick is a strong, bold, Conservative leader deserving re-election. The left is working overtime to infiltrate every level of society with their views and weaken America, starting with our children. We must keep the woke agenda out of our schools. Schools are for educating, not indoctrinating. From healthcare and vaccine mandates to religious liberties and 2nd Amendment rights, the Left is attempting to erode our freedoms and exert more control over our lives. At every level, we must be vigilant and fight back. I believe that Christi Craddick’s record speaks for itself. I believe Christi Craddick is a great Texan with Texas Conservative values. I believe that Christi Craddick will continue to stand strong against the radical left’s scheme to destroy Texas jobs and America’s energy independence. This is why I recommend everyone to vote for Christi Craddick, Railroad Commissioner. For more information about Christi Craddick’s campaign, visit Christi Craddick9 January 2024 January 2024 10 School Choice Is A Parent’s Choice – Not The Government’s GUEST EDITORIAL Texas State Senator Mayes Middleton Our rights as parents come from God, not the govern- ment. Unfortunately, Texas is one of only 18 states where the law positions government to have the final say on a child’s education. Thankfully, Governor Greg Abbott is calling legislators back to Austin for as long as it takes to change that. While Texas boasts some of the best teachers and traditional public schools in the nation, we must also trust parents. Empowering parents to direct their children’s education, with money following the child to the school of their choice, is the best solution. Hypocrisy Abounds The concept of public dollars being used by taxpayers at private businesses is nothing new. There are numerous examples of public funds going to private businesses, including food stamps to grocery stores, Pell grants to private universities, and Medicaid to doctors. We trust individuals to choose their grocery store, their private university, and their doctor. Why would we take a different approach with K-12 education? In Texas, we must trust parents to make decisions about their child’s education. School Choice Is Not A New Concept School choice has been battle-tested by 32 other states. Texas has the opportunity to learn from their successes and challenges and offer a program that best serves Texas students and parents. Education savings accounts (ESAs) are the most ideal form of school choice. Under ESA’s, participants can use the money for private school tuition, tutoring, specialized programs, and many other valuable tools. This program design will place parents fully in control of their child’s education. Public Schools Will Not Lose Funding During the Regular Session, the Legislature made a historic investment in public education with the largest increase in public education funding in Texas history. This fall, we will continue to invest in the education of future Texans with an additional multi-billion-dollar funding package that, in part, includes teacher pay raises. The sizeable investment will be coupled with a robust school choice policy. Altogether, the policies will provide the opportunity to make a radical difference for Texas teachers and students. Texans Prefer School Choice Independent polls conducted this year reveal a strong majority of Texans across all demographics are supportive of school choice programs, especially among rural voters. In fact, many of the union and taxpayer-funded lobbyists who are school choice opponents send their own children to private schools. Parents matter As a parent to four children, I feel a great responsibility to help spur the change our state’s education system so desperately needs. We must pass a school choice bill that allows parents to decide which education option works best for their children according to their values. For more information about Mayes Middleton’s campaign, visit Senator Middleton represents Senate District 11, serving portions of Brazoria, Galveston and Harris counties. Before his election to the Texas Senate in 2022, Senator Middleton served House District 23 in the Texas House of Representatives from 2019-2022. Mayes Middleton 11 January 2024 www.TerryLowry.comPutting Children First – NOT Woke Politics GUEST EDITORIAL by Jamie Kohlmann Candidate for Texas State Board of Education, District 12 In the silent battle for the hearts and minds of our children, parents are losing ground in determining what values shape their children’s education. Once a bastion of traditional values, Texas now finds itself in the crosshairs of radical ideologies that threaten to undermine the very principles parents hold dear. Teach Success – Not CRT and DEI Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) are insidious tenets of the modern edu- cational landscape, uprooting the values that Conservative parents wish to provide their children. As schools increas- ingly adopt curricula shaped by these progressive ideolo- gies, parents are left on the sidelines, powerless to protect their children from this onslaught. Recent events at Harvard University reveal the conse- quences of such ideologies. A president accused of rampant plagiarism, appointed in the name of social justice, was given the highest position at one of the most prestigious universities in the nation, all under the unchecked influence of DEI. Our children must be taught success is earned through merit, diligence, and discipline – not handed out freely based on race, gender, or other arbitrary demo- graphics. Remove Porn from School Libraries The assault on Conservative values extends beyond the classroom. Shockingly, inappropriate books laden with explicit content sit on the shelves of public- school libraries, exposing children to materials that run counter to the moral foundation parents instill at home. Across the nation, parents are objecting to the presence of books detailing adult topics. A study by PEN America found that the 10 most- removed books from child libraries have detailed rape, how-to-find strangers for sex on gay sex apps, descrip- tions of underage incest, and self-pleasure. Even more alarmingly, three-fourths of the books that PEN America claimed were banned still sit on library bookshelves. Trust Parents Not the School Schools have absolutely no place introducing children to such topics, especially not through explicit and porno- graphic material. This affront challenges the role of parents in shaping their child’s moral compass and underscores the urgent need for transparency in educational institutions. Parents should be outraged at the lack of information surrounding the materials available in school libraries and instructional curricula. It is not just a difference in values; it is a betrayal of trust between parents and the education system. Amidst the cacophony of social issues, a question emerges: Should we be sacrificing the timeless values that define our great state and nation in pursuit of fleeting ideologies? The answer is an unequivocal and resounding NO. Principle Over Radical Ideology It is time to reclaim our educational priorities and focus on nurturing a generation to understand the importance of hard work, resilience, and integrity. Parental influence must be restored. Texas educational standards must stand up for principles that matter, shielding our children from radical ideologies and inappropriate materials that threaten the very fabric of our Conservative values. Let us not forget that the future belongs to those who are taught to lead with diligence, not those who blindly follow the winds of societal whims. Editor’s Note: For more information about Jamie Kohlmann’s campaign, visit January 2024 12 Jamie Kohlmann 13 January 2024 www.TerryLowry.comNext >