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< Previous May 2024 10 Know and Recognize Gaslighting GUEST EDITORIAL by Robert Knight The American people are being gaslighted every day. The term comes from a 1938 play by British playwright Patrick Hamilton, “Gaslight,” and film adaptations, the most famous of which is a 1944 version starring Charles Boyer and Ingrid Bergman. It’s about a man who covers up a secret by making his wife believe she is insane. He uses all sorts of tricks, from weird lighting to pretending nothing is wrong. Gaslighting Example: Russia…Russia…Russia For decades, Democrats, aided by a corrupt media, have been gaslighting the public. It has become especially egre- gious since Donald Trump came on the political scene. We were told over and over that he had colluded with Russia to cheat during his 2016 campaign against Hillary Clinton. But it was the reverse. “Russian collusion” was a hoax perpetrated by the Clinton campaign itself and covered up by the FBI. Gaslighting Example: Trump and Ukraine Similarly, the public was gaslighted over a phone call that President Trump made to the president of Ukraine, at the end of which he suggested that authorities look into Hunter Biden’s lucrative seat on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company. The gaslighting was so extreme that House Democrats impeached Mr. Trump over it. Gaslighting Example: Media lied about Biden’s Threat The media ignored a video of Joe Biden boasting before a Council on Foreign Relations audience that as vice president, he threatened to withhold $1 billion from Ukraine unless a Ukrainian prosecutor was fired. “And, [expletive] he was fired,” Biden said, laughing. That prosecutor was investigating Burisma. Gaslighting Example: It’s Not Hunter’ Laptop In October 2020, just before the presidential election, the New York Post broke a factual story about Hunter Biden’s now-notorious laptop. It contained X-rated videos of Hunter with prostitutes, showed him doing drugs, and had details about the Biden family’s lucrative business deals in Communist China, Ukraine and other countries. Gaslighting Example: National Security Experts said it was Russian Disinformation. More than 50 national security “experts” signed a letter gaslighting the nation about the laptop, suggesting it was “Russian disinformation” when they knew otherwise. A poll showed that had Biden voters known of the laptop’s contents, Mr. Trump would have beaten him. January 6 Capitol Riot: Another Example of Gaslighting Gaslighting went nuclear over the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. Democrats continue to claim that the six-hour delay in certifying Joe Biden’s win in the Electoral College consti- tutes “insurrection.” The House Jan. 6 Select Committee held a Stalinist-style show trial of President Trump with no pro-Trump members or witnesses, and with selective footage and Hollywood propaganda techniques. Fauci’s name is synonymous with Gaslighting During the COVID-19 pandemic, federal health author- ities headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci gaslighted the nation over the virus’s origin and the effectiveness of vaccines, masks, lockdowns and social distancing. Therapeutic alternatives like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, deemed safe for decades, were portrayed as dangerous. Robert Knight11 May 2024 Dissent on social media sites was crushed by government pressure. Today, we are still being gaslighted in myriad ways. We’re told: -- There’s no border crisis. Reality: Eight to 10 mil- lion illegal aliens have crossed into the U.S. over the past three years, including fentanyl dealers, sex traffickers and terror suspects. More than 109,000 Americans die annually from opiate overdoses, 70 percent of them from fentanyl-laced tablets. -- Inflation is no big deal and is only 3.5 percent. Reality: The real rate of inflation is compounded, with some prices soaring 50 percent. Families have been hard hit at the gas pump and grocery store. Thousands of small businesses have closed. -- Electric vehicles will save the planet. Reality: Electric vehicles are so heavy they wear out tires and roads. Building them causes more pollution than for gas- powered vehicles and puts America at the mercy of Communist China, which controls 80 percent of the world supply of battery components. -- Democrats are “anti-crime.” Reality: Crime has been rampant in Democrat-run cities since they created the welfare culture in the 1960s and destroyed families. With soft-on-crime prosecutors and defunding of police, crime is now out of control, with murders and carjackings soaring. Mobs are ransacking stores, and retailers are fleeing cities. -- Black Lives Matter cares about black lives. Reality: This Marxist group backs abortion of black babies right up to the moment of birth and cares only about victims in rare, cop-related cases, not the thousands of black Americans that criminals kill. -- Seven trillion dollars of spending in the Biden budget will be offset by tax increases only on “the rich.” Reality: Even if every billion- aire’s fortune was confiscated, it wouldn’t dent the federal debt. -- Joe Biden is a “devout Catholic.” Reality: Sure, he attends church regularly but he’s working overtime to increase tax-supported abortions and is weaponizing LGBTQ activists to turn America into a Marxist version of Sodom and Gomorrah. The Biden Justice Department is persecuting pro-lifers and parents who protest at school board meetings. -- Males who think they are female really are female. And vice versa. Reality: Biology doesn’t lie. Young people are being dangerously gaslighted into believing that they are the opposite sex. Telling them the truth is becoming a criminal act. -- Voter ID laws and accurate registration lists are “racist.” Reality: Minority voting has risen sharply in jurisdictions with voter ID. It’s racist to say minorities cannot manage to get IDs like everyone else. -- Babies in the womb are not “human beings,” just tissue. Reality: Ultrasounds detect heartbeats as early as 16 days. -- America can unilaterally prevent climate change. Reality: Wiping out America’s fossil-fuel-based energy independence is a gift to Russia, Iran and China. None of them are kneecapping their own coal, gas and oil-based economies. China is building hundreds of new coal-fired plants. Conclusion: Americans are being gaslighted daily by Democrats and their servile media. The good news is that more and more people are awakening to this and are none too happy. Robert Knight is an author and columnist for The Washington Times. His website is May 2024 12 Jimmy Carter Personally Experienced Voter Fraud. His First Election Was Stolen. By Hans Von Spakovsky Originally posted on December 12, 2023 on *Edited for space With the passing of Rosalynn Carter, former President Jimmy Carter lost his lifetime partner. My deepest sympathies go out to him and his family. The former first lady’s death reminded me of something relevant to election integrity that many Americans may not realize: Organized voter fraud in Jimmy Carter’s first run for office stole his election. The only reason Carter ended up in office when he did is because he claimed publicly that he had won and went to court to fight to overturn the election. He is one of the few leaders in the Democrat Party who has acknowledged that peo- ple should be seriously concerned about election fraud. This led to the 2005 Commission on Federal Election Reform, which President Carter co-chaired with former Secretary of State James A. Baker III. Among the recommendations in the commission’s final report was a call for states to implement “a photo ID system for voters” that would provide “free IDs for those without driver’s licenses.” Jimmy Carter’s Stolen Election One of the best accounts of the Georgia State Senate Race in the Democrats’ Primary Election of 1962 was written by the late Jim Wooten, a highly respected jour- nalist and editor of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. In his 1978 book, “Dasher: The Roots and the Rising of Jimmy Carter”, Wooten recounts how Carter challenged the local incumbent, described as “an entrenched establishment figure”, and worked hard campaigning throughout the district. Carter’s prospects seemed high until he arrived in Georgetown, a small town in Quitman County, on Election Day. Carter saw “no voting booths in the courthouse and all voters were marking their ballots on a table in full view” of the “local legislator and dominant political boss”, who was telling voters who to vote for and even pulling ballots out of the ballot box to check them. Carter’s attempt to get the Columbus, Georgia, newspa- per to write a story about the situation proved unavailing, because the reporter sent to cover the story just happened to be friends with the local political boss. Carter said the reporter “was not interested in writing any story critical of election procedures in Quitman County,” Wooten writes.One of the best accounts of the Georgia State Senate Race in the Democrats’ Primary Election of 1962 was written by the late Jim Wooten, a highly respected journalist and editor of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. In his 1978 book, “Dasher: The Roots and the Rising of Jimmy Carter”, Wooten recounts how Carter challenged the local incumbent, described as “an entrenched establishment figure”, and worked hard campaigning throughout the district. Carter’s prospects seemed high until he arrived in Georgetown, a small town in Quitman County, on Election Day. Carter saw “no voting booths in the courthouse and all voters were marking their ballots on a table in full view” of the “local legislator and dominant political boss”, who was telling voters who to vote for and even pulling ballots out of the ballot box to check them. Carter’s attempt to get the Columbus, Georgia, newspaper to write a story about the situation proved unavailing, because the reporter sent to cover the story just happened Hans Von Spakovsky13 May 2024 to be friends with the local political boss. Carter said the reporter “was not interested in writing any story critical of election procedures in Quitman County,” Wooten writes. 126 Voted in Alphabetical Order The results from Georgetown were the last to arrive with a total of 443 ballots and “according to the names listed, 126 of them voted alphabetically!” (Wooten wrote) Moreover, when the “ballots were unfolded, there were sometimes four to eight of them folded together,” making it obvious that “the box had been stuffed.” Carter and a lawyer went to Georgetown. When they began taking statements from local residents, they discovered that “what had happened that day had been happening on election days as long as most people could remember.” The “local Democratic machinery laughed at [Carter’s] efforts to reverse the decision,” Wooten writes, because the election was over and there “was nothing he could do.” But Carter and his lawyers doggedly continued their investigation, which resulted in their being followed by “local lieutenants of the organization” and targeted by “threatening phone calls.” They discovered that votes had been cast by individuals who “were dead, in prison, or had long ago moved away and voted in other communi- ties.” Some even claimed they never voted, yet a ballot was cast in their name. Persistence Prevailed The newspapers characterized Carter “as a politically naïve sorehead and a poor loser,” while state Democrat Party officials were “aloof or downright hostile.” The “local judge and district attorney had strong ties in the county” and refused to do anything about the fraud, Wooten wrote. Carter never gave up even though the media, his own political party, and the local justice system were against him. Carter’s lawyer, Charles Kirbo, managed to get a hearing before a judge outside the state Senate district in which Carter was running. Tat judge declared Carter the winner because the election in Georgetown was “so thoroughly tainted by vote fraud that there was absolutely no way to determine what had been the voters’ original and genuine intent.” Accordingly, the judge said, the election would be decid- ed by the votes cast elsewhere in the Senate district. One would have thought that would be the end of the story. But a bizarre procedural quirk allowed the now- losing candidate to appeal the judge’s decision to Democrats’ local Executive Committee, which was controlled by the corrupt local political boss, who rein- stated the incumbent. Carter Declared Winner Carter had to appeal to the state party chair, J.B. Fuqua, who was in Canada on a hunting trip. Carter’s lawyer went all the way to Canada, hunted down Fuqua, present- ed Carter’s case, and convinced Fuqua to declare Carter the Democrat nominee the weekend before the general election. The Georgetown political boss eventually was convicted of voter fraud, not for what he did in Carter’s election, but for fraudulent acts in connection with a prior Congressional election. Once in office as a State Senator, Carter spearheaded a comprehensive reform of the state’s election code that passed the Georgia Legislature. According to Wooten, Carter recalled that, during the debate, “someone suggested as a compromise that no one be allowed to vote who had been dead more than three years.” In Review of the Facts Observers (witnesses) are important. If Carter had not seen what was happening on the ground in Georgetown, he would not have known his election had been stolen. Note the media’s lack of interest in covering the story of local prosecutors and judges who had ties to the political powers that be. Light sentences given by judges for attempts to subvert our democratic process often don’t fit the seriousness of the crimes. The theft was all within the same political party, some- thing that happens all too often. And finally, the US Supreme Court decision in Crawford v. Marion County (2008) stated “it could affect the out- come of a close election” when it upheld Indiana’s voter ID law. “Fraud is especially troublesome”, the high court ruled. If Carter had not had, as Wooten aptly describes it, the “stubborn, dogged determination, fueled by his seething anger,” to fight to overturn his stolen election, would he ever have been elected president? We’ll never know. May 2024 14 Republican Primary Results of the LINK Letter Endorsements: EARLY VOTING HOURS MAY SUN MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 MAY 28 29 30 31 JUNE 1 Election Day 7:00am - 7:00pm On behalf of our staff, we are humbled and honored to work with so many candidates, organizations and influencers across Texas. Remember: it is against the law to offer a bribe for an endorsement. Likewise, it is against the law to seek a bribe in exchange for an endorsement. HARRIS COUNTY – Fifteen candidates endorsed. Fourteen won, with one in a run-off. FORT BEND COUNTY – Sixteen candidates endorsed. Thirteen won with two in run-offs, and one lost. BRAZORIA COUNTY – Eleven candidates endorsed. Nine won, with two in run-offs. McCLENNAN COUNTY – Of the ten candidates endorsed, all ten won. TARRANT COUNTY – Of the twenty candidates endorsed, thirteen won, three are in run-offs, and four lost. COLLIN COUNTY – Of the twenty-one candidates endorsed, fifteen won, five are in run-offs, and one lost. DENTON COUNTY – Of the fourteen candidates endorsed, nine won, four are in run-offs, and one lost. Primary Ballot Propositions approved by the State Republican Party Executive Committee. Vote Yes or No on each. Your vote will determine the priorities for the Republican Party of Texas for the next two years. 15 May 2024 Primary Ballot Propositions approved by the State Republican Party Executive Committee. ALL PROPOSITIONS PASSED Priorities for the Republican Party of Texas for the next two years. Results From March 2024 Be sure and vote in the Runoff Proposition 1 Texas should eliminate all property taxes without increasing Texans’ overall tax burden. YES - PASSED Proposition 2 Texas should create a Border Protection Unit, and deploy additional state law enforcement and military forces, to seal the border, to use physical force to prevent illegal entry and trafficking, and to deport illegal aliens to Mexico or to their nations of origin. YES - PASSED Proposition 3 The Texas Legislature should require the use of E-Verify by all employers in Texas to protect jobs for legal workers by preventing the hiring of ille- gal aliens. YES - PASSED Proposition 4 The Texas Legislature should end all subsidies and public services, including in-state college tuition and enrollment in public schools, for illegal aliens. YES - PASSED Proposition 5 Texas urges the United States Congress not to grant any form of amnesty or a pathway to legalization for illegal aliens. YES - PASSED Proposition 6 The Texas Legislature should prohibit the deployment of the Texas National Guard to a foreign conflict unless Congress first formally declares war. YES - PASSED Proposition 7 The Texas Legislature should establish authority within the Texas State Comptroller’s office to dminister access to gold and silver through the Texas Bullion Depository for use as legal tender. YES - PASSED Proposition 8 The State of Texas should ensure that Texans are free to give or to withhold consent for any vaccine without coercion. YES - PASSED Proposition 9 The Republican Party of Texas should restrict voting in the Republican primary to only registered Republicans. YES - PASSED Proposition 10 The Texas Constitution should be amended to restore authority to the Texas Attorney General to prosecute election crimes. YES - PASSED Proposition 11 Texas parents and guardians should have the right to select schools, whether public or private, for their children, and the funding should follow the student. YES - PASSED Proposition 12 The Texas Constitution should be amended to require proof of citizenship before any individual can be registered to vote. YES - PASSED Proposition 13 Texas should ban the sale of Texas land to citizens, governments, and entities from China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia. YES - PASSEDAlex Kamkar Candidate for Texas House District 29 Alex Kamkar Candidate for Texas House District 29 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID DALLAS, TX PERMIT # 3260 the LINK Letter 10924 Grant Road, #133 Houston, TX 77070 RUNOFF EDITION MAY 2024 – BRAZORIA COUNTY Terry Lowry host of the What's UP Radio Program invites you to visit Two Candidates Worthy of Your Vote in This Runoff Brazoria County Two Candidates Worthy of Your Vote in this Runoff Commit to Vote Early For Early and Election Day Locations visit EARLY VOTING HOURS MAY SUN MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 MAY 28 29 30 31 JUNE 1 Election Day 7:00am - 7:00pm Jay Burridge Candidate for Precinct 1 Commissioner State Rep District 29 Alex Kamkar County Commissioner PCT 1 Jay Burridge Jay Burridge Candidate for Precinct 1 CommissionerNext >